Sunday, August 3, 2008

Why Men Don't Propose

1- Men don't hear the clock ticking the way women do. Not only the relationship clock but the biological clock.
2- Men dread the "BIG' Day. Just the way BIG panicked in the movie version of Sex in the City, many men can't handle the three ring circus surrounding the big event. All the details to deal with, all the pressure from her side of the family, all the kidding from his friends become over whelming.
3- The desire to be more prepared. Many men ask themselves, "Am I really ready to do this now?" They think that if they can wait a few more months (or years) they'll REALLY be sure and ready to commit.
4- They fear the proposal moment. What if she says no? Should I do it at the ball park or at a public event? If I do it the old fashioned way she'll think I'm not very creative.

Gals, if he hasn't yet proposed and you think it's time, then propose yourself. It's unique, but it's been done before. It will generate lots of dialogue no matter what his answer may be.

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