Thursday, August 14, 2008

Final Fair Fighting Guidelines

Again, let's thank Dr. Tina B. Tessina for her wonderful comments in Yahoo personals that inspired me to post this very important relationship quandary and potential deal breaker.
19-After listening carefully, paraphrase what your partner said,"so you're angry because..."
20-No personal attacks or criticism. Focus on solving problems. Take out the emotion.
21-Don't try to fix the problem if either of you are; impaired, tired, hungry, drunk or unstable.
22-If you feel you need to let off steam (vent), ask for permission to walk around the block or take time out to handle your excess energy or emotion. Run, walk rapidly, hit a pillow, write it out, or talk to a trusted friend who is not a part of the problem. Solve it later when you're ready
23-Surrender to your sense of better judgement and responsibility when you're aware that you made a mistake. Admit it and apologize. It's time to learn and grow.

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