Monday, September 8, 2008

Don't Worry Be Happy..5 Things to Make You Happy

1-Life is too short to associate with losers. Surround yourself with up, fun, funny, bright, caring, and sensitive people. It's tough to rid yourself of hanger-ons that suck the joy out of your life, but you must make a decision for YOU, not them. Losers drag you down.
2-Don't play the conjecture game. Remove "what if" from your vocabulary.
3-Always strive towards excellence using your talents and potential. Get in the "zone" and enjoy.
4-Allow yourself to be happy. Some people feel down deep that it is wrong to be happy. Whether its religion, culture or family values that have taught us to feel guilty if we're too happy, try to escape from those negative feelings.
5-Schedule your life to do enjoyable things. Make a list and get rid of the "work" things first, then you're free to concentrate on the fun stuff. If you don't get rid of the necessary unpleasant chores you'll be thinking of eventually having to do them and you'll drag yourself down. Romance yourself just as if you were doing it to and for someone you love. Love yourself and concentrate on those things that make you happy.

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