Friday, September 12, 2008

3 Things You Need to Keep a Man

Many articles and books are written about how to attract and KEEP a man. It's simple as 1-2-3.
Here's how:
1- Intellectual Attraction- That old adage of a rich old man looking for a busty blond bimbo to be on his arm to love, honor and obey is pure fantasy and doesn't exist in the real world. The men that I know want a woman with whom they can discuss the news of the day, watch Jeopardy together, discuss politics, and look to as a partner and equal.
2-Emotional Fitness. Physical fitness is important but so is mental health. Most men prefer a woman who is not a whiner, nag, complainer, gossiper, cry-baby, drinker, or drama queen.
3-Wave Length Compatibility. You must be on the same wave length. Although occasionally opposites actually do attract on a few levels, unless you're on the same wave length physically, emotionally, spiritually and morally you're in for a rocky road.

Here's another of the big three for self confidence and success; Peace, Power and Integrity.

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