Thursday, September 4, 2008

Buddy Hackett Poultry Joke

A video has been going around You Tube which shows the late great Buddy Hackett on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show. He told Carson four of his favorite animal jokes and here for your smiles is my favorite.
A hunter shot a flying pheasant. The bird landed on the roof of a farmhouse and rolled off the roof landing at the front door.The farmer came out and asked the hunter "Who are you?" The hunter said I just shot that bird and I'm here to take it and leave. The farmer replied. No you're not it's my farm house, the bird landed on my roof and now it's on my property, so it's mine. They argued back and forth for a while. Finally the farmer said let's settle this "the farmer way." We take turns kicking each other in the groin until one quits and the other guy keeps the bird. The hunter agrees and the farmer says "spread your legs." The farmer steps back a few steps, gets a running start and kicks the hunter between the legs with enormous force. The hunter screams, falls to the ground writhing in pain for 15 minutes . Finally he gets up and painfully says to the farmer " O.K. now it's my turn, spread YOUR legs " The farmer says "nah, you can have the bird."

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