Monday, June 23, 2008

Why Nice Guys Lose Out To Cocky Guys

A cocky guy is perceived as being a stronger confident male with more VALUE. How? He is in a word, C O O L. He doesn't appear to invest it all; his entire being, his ego, and self-worth in what a woman's response or reaction to him might be. He's not all over her, gushing with compliments. He's not praising her looks and isn't readily available to her. He doesn't give too much, and he comes across knowing that if the woman says no to him, he's not going to fall apart. He seems to take pleasure in his what-ever attitude.
If he asks her out and she says no...that's O.K.with him, he conveys the attitude that "I'm a busy guy with lots of exciting things going on and lots of other options." Now that she rejected him, she has second thoughts. "Wow, this is a self-confident guy. There is something very exciting about a man like this. I'm going to flirt back and ask him out."
Just as men like the chase, women like the challenge of why he is so aloof and not making a fuss over her like most men do. She is curious and will go after what she can't figure out.
So men and women alike..don't be too easy, too available, too cool.

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