Sunday, June 8, 2008

First Date---How to approach any stranger

In the wonderful world of Love, Dating, Romance, Courtship, Engagement, Marriage and Happiness, the first step is to meet the right person. You can join Internet Dating sites, talk to everybody you know to try to fix you up, or hire a dating service. What is missing from this list is the good old fashioned doing it yourself. First, you know what the person looks like and that's what attracted you to them in the first place, secondly you can have a conversation with them so you can tell right away if they are bright and funny. All you have to do is develop enough confidence to approach A N Y stranger. Poof, I just gave the POWER to you. Now you have the ability to talk to anybody. It's really that easy. You don't need any pick up lines, most of them are so obvious and corny, it embarasses me even thinking of them. Here's what you need to do:
Say for example you are in a Starbucks and you spot someone who you would like to meet.
1-Observe what they are doing. They just ordered a double expresso.
2-Act on your observation, "Rough night last night or tough day ahead?" Opens the conversation
3-Listen carefully to their response and take their lead. The rest is up to you, just be yourself!

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