Monday, July 21, 2008

Safety Update on Online Dating

Current news is full of stories about attacks, frauds, and rapes that you must learn how to protect yourself. Use only secure online dating sites that has https://, not http:// without the small "s". It assures that your payments and personal details will remain secure........Also:
1- Initially, never reveal your phone #. It's a recipe for crank calls and worse. Use e-mail until you meet someone in person and feel secure with him.
2- Initially, never reveal where you live. Meet him for the first time getting there by yourself.
3- Choose your photo, and write your profile carefully. Don't reveal too much about your private life, and your home life. Don't show your car license plate.
4- Don't divulge your daily routine, like what time you go for a jog, what gym you belong to or where you work.
5- When you meet, do it in a busy well lit location. Tell a friend who you are meeting, where you are meeting and have them call you 1/2 hour into the date. If all is O.K. say wrong number. If not, then say it's a family emergency and leave. Be careful. Be safe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Online dating is scary, but let's not fear-monger. On a positive note I have found a unique site that places the highest priority upon privacy - it architected and enforced through best practices. The name of this site is sparkbliss[dot]com and I have not found another site that offers anything similar in terms of safety.