Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Five Reasons Men Leave or Have a Need To Cheat

Men leave or cheat for various reasons. These are the
major ones. Unfortunately, almost all of them are out
of your control. However, you can mitigate (stop or
diffuse) the effects of these situations by being a
caring, attentive, loving, girlfriend or wife. You
must make him feel he is vital and important. Keep the
lines of communication open and if you have a
disagreement....fight fairly. If you want your man to
treat you like a QUEEN, you must treat HIM like a
1) Power or newfound wealth...It suddenly makes him
feel a powerful invincibility and if it doesn't
translate into the same feelings at home he'll seek
other understanding appreciative partners.
2) Sudden change in status...this means that he'll be
facing new circumstances, challenges and
opportunities. He'll really need some kindred spirit
to talk to. If you're not available, he looks around.
3)Family Dynamics... I had a friend that left his wife
and family and when I asked why he said "I'm #7
My wife comes first then the four teen age daughters,
then the dog, then me. I feel that I just don't
4)Unexpected non-financial ego trip..Compliment from
co-worker, wink from stranger, business contact that
get "friendly" all make him feel desired.
5)Internet "Safety"....actually not really safe, but
provides a cover for a bored flirt who is looking to
meet someone and get "lucky"

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