Monday, August 25, 2008

Pump up; It's Time for an Inner Makeover

Instead of a physical make over, how about considering increasing your dating confidence by giving yourself an inner makeover. Here's how:
1-Listen to your inner voice. If it doesn't speak nicely to you, guide your thoughts to deal with kinder, more supportive ideas. You want these thoughts to lift you up not tear you down.
2-Get rid of the downers. Surround yourself with people that support you.
3-There is very little freedom when your joy depends on things that are out of your control. If you have a "Date from Hell" and it was clearly the fault of the other person, simply laugh it off.
4-List's do work. Make a list of your good qualities. Visualize your ideal self and list all those wonderful things about you. Ask some friends to add to the list, you may be pleasantly surprised.
5-Incorporate winning strategies. The "Secret" works for many people; develop you own laws of attraction by; asking for it, believing in it, and willingly receiving it. Believing in the power of visualization and it will happen for you. It is a very strong mind over matter technique. Also, read up on and try self-hypnosis. The altered state will allow new ideas to flow to the subconscious mind with many empowering ideas.

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