Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is He Self-Confident, Cocky or Just a Narcissist?

Why did Bill Clinton, Elliott Spitzer and recently, John Edwards ruin their legacy's while under the media microscope. Edwards recently admitted to being narcissistic. "I started to believe that I was special and became increasing egocentric."
So is your guy self-confident, cocky or increasingly narcissistic? Here are some clues:
1- Expects to be recognized as superior. Exaggerates his achievements and has a grandiose sense of self importance.
2- He is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, brilliance and fame.
3- Aspirations beyond normal daydreams. Enormous entitlement for only the best of everything.
4- Thinks the world revolves around him. Can only be appreciated by other high profile people.
5- Requires excessive and continuous admiration and compliments.
6- During sexual foreplay, he demands oral sex and refuses to reciprocate.
7- Lacks empathy and won't recognize the pain or needs of others. He is not there for you.
8- Treats people "beneath" him with disdain. Snaps at waiters and mentally abuses employees.

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