Thursday, July 24, 2008

Looking for Unconditional Love?

Get a Dog. People use to call the late Leona Helmsley "the Queen of Mean," but boy did she love dogs. When she died last August, she left virtually her entire estate- between 5 billion and 8 billion-to a charitable trust dedicated to the "care and welfare of dogs." According to experts, this gift would total almost 10 times the combined assets of the 7,000 nonprofit groups devoted to animal welfare.
Numerous studies have found that up to one-third of Americans feel more attached to their dogs and other pets than they do to their family and friends. People, after all, are demanding, unreliable, and unpredictable, while pets provide unconditional love.
A man says to his friend, "I have a wonderful wife. When I come home she hugs me, kisses me, and more. In fact I don't know who is happier to see me my wife or my dog." His friend says, "here is a good test; lock both of them in the trunk of your car for an hour, then when you finally open the trunk, see who is happier to see you."

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