1-Dress Appropriately. What you wear depends where you go, but also consider that you can only make one first impression.
2-Think about where to go. I used to think a movie is the wrong place for a first date since it's "getting to know you time." But if you have dinner first, go to a movie, then go some place else for dessert to discuss the film, you won't have to do hours of talking.
3-Avoid too much information. You don't have to tell your entire life story the first time you meet. Save some for later dates.
4-Listen. It's really an art to listen (and hear) well. Ask open ended questions so you won't have to deal with a one word answer. Don't ask "Do you like museums?" better to ask, what do you like to do when you visit the museum?
5-Mind your manners.Don't get drunk. Use please, thank you, and if appropriate, use I'm sorry. Good manners are the confirmation of a good first impression.
Monday, October 6, 2008
How to Ace Your First Date
Friday, October 3, 2008
Nobody's Perfect--Flip Flop on Annoyances
The best way to deepen your love for each other is to give the one you love a "pass". If they do those little annoying things, just think it's cute. Look for the silver lining rather than the critical view.
Try rationalization games. Try not to think of him as messy, just think how uncomfortable life would be if he was a controlling neat freak and perfectionist.
Don't complain about his shortcomings with your friends. It tends to put you in a negative mindset and he may be suspicious of their "funny looks."
Thursday, October 2, 2008
5 Mistakes Women Make Meeting Guys
1- Need change of venue. Go to new places. Break the same place habit. Odds are in your favor.
2- Not friendly or approachable. Network, he may have better looking friends.
3- Don't hang in big groups. A herd makes you unapproachable. Not many men are willing to break into a large group of women and focus on just one. Too much chatter and wagging tongues.
4- Refuses to be set up. Make sure the setter upper knows you and your tastes then go for it.
5- Too uptight. Men can sense desperation. Try to develop a self-confident laid back vibe.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Meet Tons of Women Anytime, Anywhere
You don't have to meet women only in bars, clubs or even on line. You can do it anywhere. That's right. Just follow the 3 simple rules and you can find a great date at Starbucks, bookstores, the Supermarket, gyms, malls, museums or just about anywhere. Just avoid these mistakes most men make:
1-Don't ask permission. Be assertive. Don't ask "Would you like to go see a movie sometime?" Say instead "Let's go see a movie together." Don't be a wimp. Be confident
2-Don't think about becoming a friend first. Let her know that there is a sexual attraction
3-Don't waste lot's of time in bars and clubs. Statistics show that over 90% of women prefer to meet a man away from the loud, drunk, hectic, dark, nightlife. Lot at my list above and concentrate on the basics. Smile approach her calmly and say Hi. The rest is up to you. Be natural, be yourself, don't over compliment her , start a conversation appropriate to the location where you meet. What do you think of that artist? or what's your favorite cut of meat? Natural, normal conversation should flow easily from there and poof..you've got a great date.